How to safely pack paintings for shipping
by ARTiClass
We have identified the importance of properly packing artworks for shipping. There are various ways, and personal preferences on how to make sure that each piece arrives at its destination safely.
16 min of a simple and practical tutorial
Why Art Made from Trash is not Trash
by ARTiClass and Rebecka Dionne
One can find beauty in many unexpected things, especially if they have a creative and artistic eye.
30 min demo of creating beautiful art with cords and wires
Body Mind Art
by Carisa Bledsoe
Creativity is birthed and maintained in the soul. We can bring peace to the experiences we live in our bodies, and the revelations unearthed in our art, by making space for the souls’ inquiries through creative expression.
30 min relaxing and inspiring lecture and guided meditation
How I became an acrylic pouring artist
by Kristina Tonev
Do You Have The Courage? Today I would love to share my story with you, to show you that with courage and determination, anything is possible.
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Online Art Classes: Everything You Need to Know
by ARTiClass
Art is an amazing form of self-expression that heals the soul, brings people together, and creates beauty for all to enjoy.
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The Top 5 Tips to Sew Better
by ARTiClass
Years ago, nearly everyone had sewing skills, and many individuals were adept at making their own clothing or other handcrafted projects. Sewing was even a part of most schooling through home economics curriculums.
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The Basics of Self-Portraits
by ARTiClass
One of the most intriguing things is the observation of our fellow humans. Artists since the beginning of time have sought to capture the uniqueness and individuality of the human spirit and personality in portraiture.
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The Top 5 Stop Motion Animation Films
by ARTiClass
There is a vast world of visual arts to be explored in this world. The creative process of the human mind is an amazing and beautiful thing.
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The Best 4 Cameras for Beginning Filmmakers
by ARTiClass
If you are interested in pursuing filmmaking, you’ll need a creative mind, places to shoot and of course, the best digital camera for short films that your budget allows. You may be asking what is the best video camera for making short films?
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Interview with Kate Brehm – ‘Toy Theater Workshop’
by Jim R. Moore
MAKING MAGIC WITH TOY THEATER. Let’s start off with this question! What is Toy Theater?
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